Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 7th

The parents will be meeting with Doctors at 3 pm today. Please be in prayer if at all possible during this time. I will be there to post as soon as Jodi comes to me with info.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Saturday evening, May 2, Chris Hauck was helping a friend paint when he fell 10 feet from an extension ladder. He struck his head on the floor causing a fracture at the base of his skull and causing an intracranial bleed. He was taken into surgery sometime early Sunday morning to remove a "flap" from his skull to allow room for the swelling. He has remained in a coma and has continued to have extreme swelling in his head. Sunday evening was very touch and go. At one point there were over 70 friends and family up to visit. Thing look very grim so the visitation rules were changed to allow for everyone time to be with him. After several hour of going in by 2s everyone was able to see him. It was an emotional roller coaster. In the few days past things have stayed pretty level. We have watched the pressure in his head go down slowly. They are wanting to take the ventilator off and put in a trach and also a feeding tube. There will be less chance of infection with a trach.

Sorry if this isn't alot of info right now. I will add stuff as I remember it happening. It's just after so much activity and not much sleep it all just starts running together. I will add something atleast every day if not several times. We are asking that you please not contact the parents. They are a little overwhelmed with things. We will add names and numbers of people you can contact for info. Please feel free to contact me, Mandy Hord @ 317-709-5198. I am in almost constant contact with the parents. Also if you have facebook there have been groups set up for him. If you would like to hear Chris sing please go to youtube and search Chris Hauck. He is singing Broken Road. Very nice. We are also currently working on a slide show. If you have any pictures you would like to share please feel free to email them to me at